In 2021, there are as many as 1.83 million single families that endure the same challenges that you may be having across Canada. Since 2006 single families are becoming more and more common as there is an upward trend in children being raised by a single parent.

What About the Demographics? What do Single Families Look Like? More Common Than You Think!
There is no broad definition of what a single family looks like. However in 2016, close to 2 in 10 children are living in a lone parent family, while one in ten children are living in a step family. The rate of single families also may vary from one province to another, with Alberta (27.1%) British Columbia (28.2%) and Ontario (28.5%) being the lowest whereas Nova Scotia (38.7%) and New Brunswick (37.7%) placed higher. Even reaching 40% in the Territories.
Nationwide Statistics of Children

Almost 1.2 million children across Canada have experienced a divorce or separation. This is far more common that most people would assume. As seen in the visual as much as 23% of children in Quebec have experienced this situation. Not every divorce is negative, often it is congruent with the objective of creating a happier and healthier home for your family.